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Dodany przez Redakcja | środa, 12 stycznia 2011 18:39 | Poprawiony: środa, 12 stycznia 2011 18:46
About Us
Portal damy-rade.org is the initiative of a small group of people, united by one vision ? to create a place where all aspects of disability could be discussed and presented, in particular the issues affecting the disabled people, their families and the problems they are facing. We wanted it to be a very special place on the Internet, covering a variety of topics related to disability, ranging from illnesses, through therapies and rehabilitation, equipment, news from the world, family-related aspects and ways of spending free time.

We would like it to be the place, where everyone can find answers to their questions, share their concerns and find solutions to their problems. Our aim is to create a website not only featuring interesting content, but also becoming a forum where people would share their thoughts, observations and experiences concerning disability and all related aspects. The ultimate goal is to create a community, with its members supporting each other in difficult times, which we come across in our lives.

The portal is meant to be the discussion forum not only dedicated to the problems of disabled people but also the feelings, experiences and concerns of people from their surroundings ? healthy siblings, parents, care takers and rehabilitators; as we often forget that the disability is not a problem of one single person but it significantly changes the life of everyone around him or her. We would like to change this perception.

A very special patron of this portal and the main reason behind creating it is Hania Łukasiewicz, born on 15 September 2004 . She is a beautiful little girl with Cerebral Palsy. It is her smile, shared so generously with everyone around her, despite of her difficult situation, as well as her will to live and to move on, changed the lives of many people already. It is also thanks to her that this website was created.

Everyone is cordially invited to stay with us. We will MOVE ON regardless of difficulty and against the odds.
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